Develop a five-minute presentation explaining the technology and the issues. At least 1 page of theory should be there for 5minutes presentation.

Mini Presentation Communicating Research

The objective of this assignment is to challenge you to effectively communicate the state of scholarly literature and research for a specific cybersecurity topic orally and in writing.

The topic in question is:

a. Blockchain technology in the context of information security a. Write a summary (between 1,5002,500 words that describes the technology and how it can be used, its implications, and issues related to either information security.

b. Develop a fiveminute presentation explaining the technology and the issues. At least 1 page of theory should be there for 5minutes presentation.

1. Your answers must be in full sentences and/or paragraphs. No bullets, no lists, no scattered words.

2. Use headers, as needed, to differentiate the different sections of your submission and reference any
sources using the IEEE referencing style.

3. Singlespaced, 1inch margin all around, 12pt of a commonly used black (no colors) font (Times,
Times New Roman, Calibri, Arial). No cover pages. Add page numbers.

4. Top center: Assignment. Then, full name, email, semester, and year (e.g., Fall 1998)