Choose one security breach case from the list below, research the breach, and then write a 2- to 3-page research paper analyzing what occurred.

for this assignment, you will research and evaluate a security breach within a database. Choose one security breach case from the list below, research the breach, and then write a 2- to 3-page research paper analyzing what occurred.

Security Breach Cases (choose one):

  • Marriot International – 2018 Breach
  • Nuance Healthcare – 2018 Breach
  • MyFitnessPal – 2018 Breach
  • Cambridge Analytica – 2015 Breach
  • Google+ – 2015-2018 Breach

In 2-3 pages in a Word document, address the following:

  • Provide an overview of what occurred.
  • How could the security breach have been prevented?
  • How significant was the impact on the organization?
  • What security mitigations could you have implemented at the DBA level?