What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?

What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?
Things to consider: Think of community as a term that can encompass a group, team or
a place — like your high school, hometown or home. You can define community as you
see fit, just make sure you talk about your role in that community. Was there a problem
that you wanted to fix in your community?
Why were you inspired to act? What did you learn from your effort? How did your
actions benefit others, the wider community or both? Did you work alone or with others
to initiate change in your community?
FSCN https://www.facebook.com/fcsn1996/
Special children in need
4-5 month
Twice a week
Taking care of the special children patient….
Volunteer in Hearst Elementary school teaching Java
4 month once a week
Teaching java
(you don’t have to include this) Volunteered with groups and
organizations to help make measurable differences for
program recipients. Teach program recipients basic
programming skill using Java. Supported engaging, fun and
smooth-running events by helping with organization and
Tri city Volunteer food bank
When the covid began
Help pack the food and assign the food to the people who need it
People who lost their job during the covid or have a hard time will
need it
I volunteer there more than three month once a week