Why did a Basinwide approach to endangered species issues for new and existing water projects on the Platte River appeal to local, state and federal government agencies?

Geography 3440/8500
Assignment 4

Read 1) pages 85101 about the history prior to 1997 of The Platte River and Its Basins in:
Nebraska’s Water, Nebraska’s Wealth; LWV of Nebraska Education Fund 1997, 2) “The
Platte River Cooperative Agreement: A Basinwide Approach to Endangered Species Issue;
Allan Jenkins, 1999”, 3) Platte River Recovery and Implementation Program brochure;
Published by Nebraska Department of Natural Resources; 3.2010, and 4) “ESA Consultations
Involving Platte River Depletions; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; March 13, 2008

All scanned and posted on CANVAS as “Assignment 4 Reading”


1) In 1978, objections to what dam in Wyoming lead to an environmental impact statement which showed damaging impacts on critical Whooping Crane habitat in the Central Platte River basin? What organization was created as a result of the 1978 courtapproved settlement?

2) Why did a Basinwide approach to endangered species issues for new and existing water projects on the Platte River appeal to local, state and federal government agencies?

3) Watch
PRRIP Overview Video. What are the three program components of the Platte River Recovery Program today? What are the goals for each of these elements and how is their success evaluated?

4) Watch the end of the Our Planet: Freshwater episode from minute 43:15 to 48:43. In your opinion, why are they highlighting the Platte River in Nebraska as an example of humans working to improve wildlife and habitat? Watch Crane Trust video.