Describe why you chose your selection and what key details make it a good project to analyze.

Journal assignments in this course are private between you and the instructor. For your final project in this course, you will select a completed project

from a provided list and complete a postproject analysis that will help you prepare for the critical thinking aspect of the PMPR e xam. In this journal assignment,
you will have the opportunity to review the final project for the course, select your topic, and identify potential resources.
Prompt: For your journal assignment, review the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document and then address the following critical elements:
 Choose a project from the provided list:
o The 2014 FIFA World Cup
o The Wembley Stadium Project
o Airbus A380 Project
o Manhattan Project
 Describe why you chose your selection and what key details make it a good project to analyze.
 Identify two to three external resources to begin your research outside of the provided materials.