Explain what your role would be and what population you will be working with. Pick a movement or anything that relates to human motor development and use at least two peer-reviewed research papers to gather more information as it relates to your career path.

Paper details

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to help you utilize the information presented in this class and use additional peer-reviewed science-based research to apply in a specific field of study or career. In other words, how can you use the information learned in this class with the help of peer-reviewed science-based research to better assist you in your field of interest or in your future dream job.

Task: Your task is to write a minimum 2-page paper (see criteria below for specifics) that will combine information from the class to better assist you in your field or career. Some information that may help you write your paper: What field or career are you interested in or going into?

Explain what your role would be and what population you will be working with. Pick a movement or anything that relates to human motor development and use at least two peer-reviewed research papers to gather more information as it relates to your career path.

How do the research articles help you? Criteria: This paper is worth 10% or your total grade. It will be scored out of 100 points, but again, keep in mind that it is worth 10% of your grade.