Explain in detail the final message, lesson, or value do you want audiences to leave with at the conclusion of the production and why?


A) You are a composer/producer/stage director with unlimited $$$ for a new Broadway Musical …..

What current major social or political or humanitarian problem / issue effecting the USA & US citizens.

(one that has warranted national or international media attention & support, not your personal causes or crusades)

would you use as the basis of your new Musical and explain/justify fully WHY you chose it? (10 pts)

As a heads up: when creating your Musicals for the MOD 7 test, do not copy a current event / news story as your storyline plot.

Your storyline plot must be original, and not copied from an event or situation in the news (ex. encounters with law enforcement, drug overdosing, suicides from bullying;

these are worthwhile issues but storylines must be unique and not copied from a TV news feature story ).

While choosing a specific social or political or humanitarian problem, be sure your storyline plot is not copied from circumstances that have already made news headlines.

B) Create a cohesive, original, and complete plot / story line about this issue that includes actions and events,

characters’ names, how they are part of the story line, their involvement from beginning to end in communicating your issue,

and what happens to them in the end; (20 pts) (you do not need to write a script with dialogue….just a story as if you were reading to someone).

C) Explain in detail the final message, lesson, or value do you want audiences to leave with at the conclusion of the production and why? (15 pts)

D) What prominent actors/actresses would you hire for the major roles? (5 pts)

You must clearly delineate and separate each section using this A) B) C) D) format

(-15 pts for not adhering to format! This format enables me to better organize & write my comments as they pertain to each

section you have written.)

Please organize your thoughts on separate paper first before you begin your input. This is worth 50 pts. so please write with substance

to justify as many points as possible.