Describe the relationship between the Owner, Architect and Contractor Groups and what was effective and what was disruptive and not helpful. Summaries the successes of the project and failures.

Book Review from the book HIGH RISE by JERRY ADLER. Review must cover the following:
Address the below topics related to the content of your book. You can also support your report with other research.
The Architect selection process; how it was conceived and implemented; who were the influencers and what expectations did the Owners Group have of the Architect and were they achieved.
Postulate on what the outcome might have been if they had a different Architect team.
The book includes various stories of details and materials and the process in selecting and implementing them. In at least four examples describe the issues involving the important points (i.e.: marketing, perception, functional suitability, schedule and cost) what process was used to resolve them and how effective or ineffective it was, who and what helped towards the resolution and what hindered
Evaluate the Contractors performance on the project how helpful was he with preconstruction assistance and what approaches did he use to move issues to resolution, what could he have done differently to benefit the project.
Describe the relationship between the Owner, Architect and Contractor Groups and what was effective and what was disruptive and not helpful.
Summaries the successes of the project and failures.