Compare two hôtels particuliers in the city of Paris, France. How do these structures reflect contemporary taste and the style of the period?

Compare two hôtels particuliers in the city of Paris, France. How do these structures reflect contemporary taste and the style of the period?

What conclusions can be drawn regarding the social context of the patrons?

Comment on the relationship between the exterior facade and the courtyard, and the interior of the building, as well as the architects and various important refurbishments.
Your paper should have a clear thesis statement or focus, and should have an introductory paragraph, body and substantial conclusion. It is easiest to do so in chronological order.
You must consult a minimum of FOUR printed (i.e., scholarly) sources, reference them in your footnotes or endnotes, and list them alphabetically by author’s last name on your bibliography (note: you do not have to have read the entire book or article to include it on your bibliography).
All information that is not direct personal observation or common knowledge MUST be followed by a citation, at the end of the paragraph at the latest.