What do these definitions have in common? How would you describe or define mass communication in today’s world? What definition would you construct?

Questions for Discussion
More than one definition of mass communication was presented in this chapter. For example: “Mass communication is a process in which professional communicators use media to design and disseminate messages widely and rapidly, to arouse intended meanings in large, diverse, and selectively attending and interpreting audiences in attempts to influence them in a variety of ways.” Another way to define mass communication is “when an individual or institution uses technology to send messages to a large, mixed audience, most of whom are not known to the sender.”

What do these definitions have in common? How would you describe or define mass
communication in today’s world?

What definition would you construct?

2 Theory is the ultimate goal of science. Theories are developed in all sciences in order to understand their subject matter. So, what exactly is a theory?

What are the uses and functions of theories?

Finally, what are some of the specific goals of mass communication theory?

In other words, what are some of the major reasons for constructing theory in mass communication? What major questions or issues are we seeking to address?