Indicate at least two areas where you feel women have made great progress since the time period covered in the beginning of this course

In 1968, Virginia Slims cigarettes came out with what has become one of the most memorable of all TV commercials. “You’ve come a long way, baby.” Not only did it encourage smoking as a fashionable lifestyle, but the little jingle that accompanied the commercial has become almost as iconic as Rosie the Riveter and Helen Reddy belting out “I am Woman, Hear Me Roar!”

But, have women really come as far as we’d think?

In this final discussion, you can express your thoughts on the subject. Your answer should include these two parts:

(1) Indicate at least two areas where you feel women have made great progress since the time period covered in the beginning of this course and

(2) two areas where women have been held back for strictly gender reasons.