How would you alternatively address Alex and Sam? What would you do similarly or what would you do differently? Feel free to draft additional conversation using the table above or write a short response.

Scenario: Module 2 – Communication

Part I: Scenario

A new COVID-19 variant is causing a rapid rise in cases, and the campus has increased precautions as a result.  First year clinical students have the shared responsibility to screen visitors/ other students for entry into the Student Campus Center. Screening responsibilities include taking visitors’ temperature, making sure visitors sanitize their hands, enforcing correct mask wearing, and mitigating any crowd formation in the entrance and lobby of the campus center.

There are 4-5 students present at each shift, all of whom are expected to socially distance themselves, while screening visitors and enforcing PPE/ hygiene rules.

You are assigned to a shift with Chris, Alex, and Sam.

During your shift, Sam and Alex, who are friends, are witnessed catching up in person for the first time since the pandemic began. They hug upon greeting each other, and as they are conversing, they remove their masks from over their mouths and noses. As they are speaking, you also notice two people walk by who they did not screen (you were busy screening another visitor when those two people entered.)

You address Sam and Alex about your concerns.


Part I: Individual Assignment

You provide an initial response to Sam and Alex addressing your concerns about their lack of adherence to current guidelines for the new COVID variant. Using SBAR and each of the other communication techniques listed, type your responses column(s) below.


Remember to use concepts of effective communication, including making your messages:

  • Complete – containing all relevant information
  • Clear – easily understood
  • Brief – be concise, and
  • Timely -offer and request information in a timely manner

Part II: Scenario

Following your discussion with Alex and Sam, you notice that they continue to have their own discussion, wavering between wearing their mask and lowering them from their faces, and missing visitors who are entering for screening.

You also notice that Alex is using the thermometer incorrectly, and is not accurately measuring visitors’ temperatures, not confirming that they utilize hand sanitizer as they enter.

Chris, another student who is on your shift with you, addresses the concerns regarding Alex and Sam’s interactions to the whole group.

Chris: “Alex and Sam, it is great that you are able to catch up, but it’s inappropriate that you are not wearing your masks properly and you are missing so many people who are coming in that we need to screen! Can you please just pay attention and catch up later?”




Part II: Individual Assignment

  • Using what you learned from the Powerpoint and videos (BB Learning Module), what feedback would you have for Chris regarding his communication to Sam and Alex and the concerns at hand? Write a short response.


How would you alternatively address Alex and Sam? What would you do similarly or what would you do differently? Feel free to draft additional conversation using the table above or write a short response.