Discuss what Madison and Jefferson are addressing when they refer to the “compact” in the Resolutions, identifying how each one describes the relationship of the states to the federal government and constitutionally support their argument, and if, in your opinion, their arguments defend the Constitution or challenge it.


This writing assignment will require students to compare and contrast the two Primary Source documents which are linked below.

  • Read the following documents. Each of the documents is directly linked below and is also posted on the assignment page. They can also be found at The Avalon Project Links to an external site.
  • Compare and contrast the two documents. Identify similarities and differences between Jefferson’s and Madison’s arguments.

The Virginia ResolutionLinks to an external site.

The Kentucky Resolution 1798 DraftLinks to an external site.

The Kentucky ResolutionLinks to an external site.

As you read each Resolution you should consider the following questions and identify the relevant information that answers each one. These questions should be used to analyze and discuss the documents. Students should read both documents pertaining to the Kentucky Resolution but must base their discussion on the DRAFT version since it presents all of Jefferson’s arguments. All arguments must be supported by evidence from each of the documents.


Write a well-organized essay, a minimum of 1000 words (but not limited to), including supporting details from the documents/textbook/other sources, in which you analyze and discuss the material that has been assigned by addressing the following question:

Discuss what Madison and Jefferson are addressing when they refer to the “compact” in the Resolutions, identifying how each one describes the relationship of the states to the federal government and constitutionally support their argument, and if, in your opinion, their arguments defend the Constitution or challenge it.