Name some intrinsic human rights. CITE YOUR SOURCES and use quotation marks

Need Answers for some one my questions

a) Has he convinced you that the world is getting better (is moving in the right direction)? Why or why not? This answer requires you to be specific: use numbers, refer to charts, indicate page numbers in your answer.
b) What was more important in this progress – science or humanism? Back up your answer by evidence.

1. What is Humanism? CITE YOUR SOURCES and use quotation marks
2. Name some intrinsic human rights. CITE YOUR SOURCES and use quotation marks
3. Pinker argues that Humanism is the ONLY viable “religion” (=moral philosophy) for the cosmopolitan world. Explain his chain of reasoning. Do you agree? Why or why not? Use quotes with quotation marks and page numbers.
4. According to Pinker, are humans reasonable or unreasonable? Explain his chain of argumentation. Do you agree? why or why not? Do you agree? Why or why not? Use quotes with quotation marks and page numbers.

5. What is the attitude to religion in the book Enlightenment Now? What are some arguments for and against religion given in the book? According to Pinker, can there be good without god? Do you agree? Why or why not? Do you agree? Why or why not? Use quotes with quotation marks and page numbers.