Which selection would you use for a term paper and why? Was the information more complete in one selection?

Computer Applications and Business Systems Concep

Using the same topic that you used for the WWW Research assignment, search for information using the search screen at the top of the Library and Learning Services page, which is located in the Resources tab at the top of your course home page.

Select one of these results and take some notes on the content.

Save a screen shot of this website and paste it into a new Word document. The screen shot should show the top of your screen.

Below the screen shot, type in the name of your topic as the title.

Below the title, in one or two paragraphs, compare your notes from the two selections. Some questions that you might answer are:

Which selection would you use for a term paper and why?

Was the information more complete in one selection?

What audience was the author trying to reach?

Did you understand the material?