What role could output and input filters play in a cost-benefit analysis? What problem is hedonic pricing and the travel cost method supposed to solve?

What is a costbenefit analysis and what is the moral importance of such analyses?
Why was Fords decision to not modify the design of the Pintos fuel tank so controversial?
In 2015, the US NHTSA estimated a statistical life to be worth about $9.1 million. Is it unethical to assign a monetary value to the
loss of a human life? If so, why?
Are defenders of costbenefit analysis committed to utilitarianism?
How, if at all, could defenders of costbenefit analysis take rights and duties and other nonutilitarian considerations into account?
What role could output and input filters play in a costbenefit analysis?
What problem is hedonic pricing and the travel cost method supposed to solve?
How, if at all, can a costbenefit analysis account for the mere existence of a beautiful clean lake in some remote part of the
world? Is that account plausible?