What reasons could engineers have for adopting a professional code of ethics? Give some examples of prohibitive, preventive, and aspirational moral principles. How do the IEEE and ACM codes differ from the NSPE code?

What reasons could engineers have for adopting a professional code of ethics?
Give some examples of prohibitive, preventive, and aspirational moral principles.
How do the IEEE and ACM codes differ from the NSPE code?
What is a moral dilemma (in a strict philosophical sense), and why could the concept of moral dilemmas be important for
understanding the NSPE, IEEE, and ACM codes?
Summarize the main events of the Challenger disaster. What was the technical cause of the disaster and what ethical issues did it
Explain the distinction between proper engineering decisions and proper management decisions.
Was the distinction between proper engineering decisions and proper management decisions respected when the Challenger was
Did the decision to launch the Challenger violate any principles of the NSPE Code of Ethics