What is geoengineering, and what are the promises and risks of these technologies? Explain how technological pessimists, optimists, and defenders of the critical approach think about geoengineering.

Summarize the three attitudes to technology discussed in this chapter: pessimism, optimism, and the critical attitude.
What are the best arguments for and against these three views?
Formulate, by using your own words, Hans Jonass imperative of responsibility.
Discuss similarities and differences between Jonass imperative of responsibility and Kants categorical imperative.
Discuss similarities and differences between Jonass imperative of responsibility, the riskbenefit principle, and the precautionary
Explain how defenders of the critical approach may wish to apply the principles proposed by van de Poel for evaluating social
experiments. What is the role of these principles in the critical approach?
What is geoengineering, and what are the promises and risks of these technologies?
Explain how technological pessimists, optimists, and defenders of the critical approach think about geoengineering.