What is a bribe? Give a precise definition. What is a conflict of interest? Give a precise definition.

What is a bribe? Give a precise definition.
What is a conflict of interest? Give a precise definition.
How are conflicts of interest addressed in the NSPE Code of Ethics?
Explain the difference between actual, potential, and apparent conflicts of interests.
To say that engineers must disclose and avoid conflicts of interests is like saying that water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. Explain
this analogy and what, if anything, we can learn from it.
Oskar Schindlers professional actions during World War II were influenced by a secondary interest, namely, his humanitarian
desire to protect innocent human beings from being murdered by barbarian Nazis. Did Schindler face an actual, potential, or
apparent conflict of interest?
What is the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act?
Explain the distinction between bribes and extortion and how the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act addresses this distinction.
Explain the role played by charity organizations for TeliaSoneras operations in Uzbekistan