What exactly was the warden doing and what crime was he committing?

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1. Throughout the film, there are several instances of guard brutality. Do you think this still happens? If so, how do you feel about it? Is some physical form of punishment acceptable?

2. Andy earns the good graces of most of the guards by offering what to them?

3. Captain Hadley avenges Andy by severely beating Bogs. Was that justice? Why do you think he did that?

4. What does Andy helps dozens of his fellow inmates obtain during their time in prison? 5. What was the name of the fake person that Andy helped Warden Norton create?

6. What exactly was the warden doing and what crime was he committing?

7. Was Andy committing any crime by assisting the warden?

8. Given that Andy was a prisoner and would be punished if he didn’t, do you think it was ethical for him to assist the warden? Why or why not? Did he have a choice? Why or why not?

9. Was it ethical for Andy to take the money the Warden had intended for himself? Why or why not?

10. At what point in the movie did you believe that Andy was innocent? Why did you draw that conclusion?

11. Andy and Red develop a close friendship throughout the film, during a period in time (1950-1965) when segregation was still common. What aspects of each of their character do you think helped bring them together?

12. What symbolism does Brooks’ pet bird, Jake, stand for?

13. Brooks refers to Shawshank as home. Discuss why you think he commits suicide after becoming a free man.

14. Why do you think Andy locked himself in and broadcast with the Mozart music? Do you think it was worth it? Why or why not?

15. Why did Norton have Tommy killed?

16. Since the Warden wouldn’t listen to him and he was innocent, do you think it was ethical for Andy to escape? Why or why not?

17. Why did Red change his speech to the parole committee the last time? Do you think he would have been freed if he hadn’t?

18. What did you think of the quality of prison life? Which conditions would you consider unacceptable? Why?

19. What is the significance of the title Shawshank Redemption? Which characters is the title intended for?

20. What scene(s) in The Shawshank Redemption was the most meaningful for you? Why