How do you think this might impact your perception of the world? Which types of diversity show up the least often in mass media?

Writing the Paper: Organize your analysis paper in four parts. Title the paper My Media Use. Clearly label each section as follows:


New vs. Legacy Media. Describe the amount of time overall you spent using legacy vs. new media daily – summarize here to make a point and do not simply list amounts of time consuming each.

What was your average time spent each day with legacy media vs. new media?

Did you use more legacy media for certain types of content and new media for other types of content or did you distribute your consumption somewhat equally among old and new media?

Can you account for differences in your old vs. new media use based on the type of content you were consuming?

For example, you may have discovered that for music, you tended to use more new media because it allowed you to listen to music while multi-tasking (e.g., listening to your iPhone while exercising or walking to class). You also may have found that for your favorite TV programs, you preferred traditional television broadcasts instead of watching these programs online. Were you surprised at how much legacy vs. new media you consume? If you had to create a profile of yourself as a media consumer based on your media technology preferences (i.e., old vs. new), how would you define yourself? You likely will not have the space to address all the questions listed here – address the most relevant to your findings. (Approximately .5 page)

Types of Content. Assess and describe your media consumption behavior based on the content you consumed. What trends can you identify?

For example, did you primarily choose media content for its entertainment value, to access news and information or to interact with others in a social networking environment?

Are there themes in the type of media content you consume – especially when it comes to social networking?

For example, when it comes to TV consumption, do you tend to consume more educational/documentary-style programs or reality TV shows?

Do you consume certain types of media content more than others?

How much do you interact socially via Facebook, Twitter or some other social media? What do your content choices say about you as a media consumer? (Approximately .75 page)

Media Representation. Analyze what you saw in terms of representation of people of a different race, gender, sexual orientation, class, religion, etc. What types of diversity did you see?

Did the media you consumed reflect your own personal identity? How do you think this might impact your perception of the world? Which types of diversity show up the least often in mass media?

Where did you find more diverse content (e.g., medium or platform)? (Approximately .5 page)

Reaction. What was your overall impression after tracking and analyzing your media use? Were the results different from what you expected? How do you think your media consumption affects your life? How is your media use beneficial to you? How might it be detrimental to you (e.g., do you think you are consuming too much media)? After assessing your media consumption habits, are you happy with the amount and type of media you use or do you plan to change how you consume media in the future? Don’t just give general comments like “My media use is beneficial because it makes me smarter” without elaborating on what you mean by linking it back to specific media content or your habits of consumption you found based on your log. You likely will not have the space to address all the questions listed here – address the most relevant to your findings. (Approximately .5 page)