Explain the differences between moral claims, factual claims, and conceptual claims. What is Hume’s Law? Do you think it is valid? Can you think of any counterexamples?

Explain the differences between moral claims, factual claims, and conceptual claims.
What is Humes Law? Do you think it is valid? Can you think of any counterexamples?
What is metaethics? What relevance, if any, do metaethical theories have for discussions of engineering ethics?
What are the main features of the metaethical views known as moral realism, antirealism, and relativism?
What role, if any, could ethical theories play for resolving practical ethical issues faced by engineers?
How does moral uncertainty differ from other types of uncertainty?
What is casuistry and particularism?
What is a domainspecific moral principle, and how do such principles differ from moral theories such as Kantianism and