Describe a moment or scene in the documentary/ies that you found particularly disturbing or moving.

Race and ethnicity reflection paper.

  • watch 2 documentaries and the short video clips on MOVE.
  • Write one personal reflection paper on the 2 documentaries and the short video clips on MOVE.
  • Your paper should be between 700 and 1, 000 words long (no longer than 1, 200 words).
  • the paper must be double-spaced, This is a reflection paper so you do not need a work cited page, unless you are quoting something verbatim from a book, article or one of the documentaries.
  • A reflection paper is your chance to add your thoughts and analysis to what you have read, watched, learnt and experienced. (so don’t such summarize the ideas of others).
  • Begin by jotting down some of the documentaries material and class experiences that stand out in your mind. Decide why they stand out to you.It may be helpful to use the restorative questions to generate some of your thoughts and feelings about what you watched Using the first person singular (“I”), relate documentary material and class learning to your previous knowledge and experience.
  • What did you learn from these documentaries?
  • Did you gain a new insight?
  • Describe a moment or scene in the documentary/ies that you found particularly disturbing or moving.
  • What was it about that scene that was especially compelling for you?
  • Did anything in the documentary/ies surprise you? Was anything familiar?
  • If you could ask anyone in the documentary/ies a single question, whom would you ask and what would you want to know?
  • What did you learn from this documentary/ies that you wish everyone knew? What would change if everyone knew it?
  • If you could require one person (or one group) to view these documentaries, who would it be? What do you hope their main takeaway would be?
  • What did you learn that you didn’t know before?
  • Did anything challenge what you know or thought you knew?
  • If you could pick one sociological theory to help you analyze and understand what you have watched, which would it be and why.