Discuss the role of the designer’s intention when evaluating technological artifacts. What is “technological mediation” and what is the moral importance of this concept?

Are technological artifacts morally neutral objects that play no significant role in moral reasoning whatsoever? If not, in what sense
are they relevant?
Who shot President Kennedy in Dallas: was it Lee Harvey Oswald, or his rifle, or Oswald and his rifle? (Make sure that you fully
understand this question before you attempt to answer it.)
Discuss the role of the designers intention when evaluating technological artifacts.
What is technological mediation and what is the moral importance of this concept?
Did Robert Mosess intention to segregate people on Long Island by designing unusually low overpasses infect those artifacts
with his values? Why or why not?
Bruno Latour believes that the speed bump that forces drivers to slow down on campus [is] a new actant that slows down cars.
What does he mean by this? What is an actant?
Martin Heidegger argues that an airliner . . . stands on the taxi strip only as standingreserve, inasmuch as it is ordered to insure
the possibility of transportation. What does he mean by this? What is a standingreserve?
Is the fact that Martin Heidegger was a member of the Nazi party until 1945 relevant for evaluating his contributions to the
philosophy of technology?