Find a significant descriptive statistical difference between the different sections and describe it. How might it be useful in deciding how to teach that class differently?

Assume that the goal of the survey was to find out more about the students in the BA class and how they are different from each other in terms of demographics.

Submit a word document with your answers to each of the following questions as well as the excel file you used to get your answers (question 4 asks for a chart; that chart must also be included in the word document):


  1. Which of the sections has the highest average (mean) age? Provide that average and the average for each of the other sections. What is the Standard Deviation for the section with the highest mean?
  2. Which of the sections has the highest median age? Provide that median and the median for each of the other sections. Which is a “better” average, and why (i.e., useful or descriptive, given this data?)
  3. Find a significant descriptive statistical difference between the different sections and describe it. How might it be useful in deciding how to teach that class differently?
  4. What is the most common car brand in Section 002? Create a column chart showing the number of owners of each car brand in Section 002. Include the chart in your submission, and include the “none” category in your data.