One way you will ask you community to reduce CO2emissions. You can do more than one.

Service Learning Action Project PART THREE (30 pts):
The main point of your service action project is to help you understand how an increase
in atmospheric carbon dioxide relates to you, and what you can do to help this huge
problem that is detrimental to marine organisms in many ways.

Please submit your written answers as a word document or PDF.

Your assignment is to:

1. Make an Action Plan to reduce atmospheric CO2. Commit to one way you will ask
your community to reduce CO2 emissions. Your community can be friends,
family, dorms, work, social media followers, or school. Your CO2 reduction must come from your own effort and pledge from people in your community. In your submission include:

a) One way you will ask you community to reduce CO2emissions. You can do more
than one.

b) Who is going to be your main target (friends, family, dorms, work, roommate, social media followers, or school)?

c) Why is it important to reduce CO2emissions? Hint: How will your plan help the ocean by reducing CO2?

d) You will need to submit proof that you have implemented your carbon reduction plan, This can be pledges, screenshots of social media posts, before and after pictures,
agency letter and/or contribution proof. Please upload your
screenshot/documentation of proof of implementation in addition to your PDF or
Word document of types answers for parts ac.