Ask yourself, what makes for an effective argument? How and in what ways is the argument convincing?

You are analyzing the way the author presented his or her argument to argue whether it is an effective or ineffective argument.

In order to analyze the argument, you will consider the author’s use of:

  • Pathos
  • Ethos
  • Logos
  • Assumptions
  • Logical fallacies
  • Tone
  • Types/Strength of evidence
  • Objectivity/Bias
  • OR any other points you saw in your textbook

Questions to Consider

Ask yourself, what makes for an effective argument? How and in what ways is the argument convincing?

  • Purpose (What is the writer trying to accomplish with the essay?)
  • Audience (To whom does the writer try to appeal? How does the writer try to connect with that audience?)
  • Organization (How has the writer structured and presented the argument?)
  • Nods to the Opposition (How does the writer anticipate and address arguments that might be made against his/her position?)
  • Definition (How does the writer define key terms used in the argument?)
  • Examples (What sort of examples/analogies does the writer use as evidence?)
  • Appeals to Authority (How does the writer use other sources, experts, statistics, etc.?)
  • Ethos (How does the writer present him/herself to the reader?)
  • Logos (How does the writer appeal to the reader’s sense of logical reasoning?)
  • Pathos (How does the writer appeal to the reader’s emotions, beliefs, and values?)
  • Tone (What is the writer’s attitude towards the subject?)
  • Diction and Imagery (What are the effects of the writer’s word choices?)