Which criteria would you use to create departments and what functions would they perform in a typical healthcare organization?

Labor Relation and Organization

1. Read the NY Times article posted in this week’s folder and then discuss whether the union was justified in the demands and requests made.

Is the union taking advantage of the dire situation (pandemic) to achieve its goals? Or do you think the union is justified in the demands and requests made?

Explain and support your points. End your post with a question to your classmates. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/28/health/covid-he…

Your initial post should comprise a minimum of 250 words supported by at least two (2) scholarly peer-reviewed references

2. Imagine you have been hired as CEO of a healthcare organization that is still undergoing development and departmentalization for the division of functions. Which criteria would you use to create departments and what functions would they perform in a typical healthcare organization? (you may choose any).

Your initial post should comprise a minimum of 250 words supported by at least two (2) scholarly peer-reviewed references