Dramatic Irony: A situation that involves a discrepancy between a character’s perception and what the reader or audience know to be true is dramatic irony. Identify and explain an example of dramatic irony in Ch. 26.

Lesson 13: Huckleberry Finn chapters 21-30

Chapters XXIV — 300( (24-30) Choose FOUR of the following questions to answer. Each answer should use specific quotes from the book.

1. Suspense: Find examples of suspense in chapters 24-30. What events cause you to feel anxious for Huck? Do you think he is ever in genuine danger? Do you ever feel any anxiety for the duke and the king? Why, or why not?

1 Foreshadowing: What does the king’s conversation on the steamboat foreshadow?

3. Dramatic Irony: A situation that involves a discrepancy between a character’s perception and what the reader or audience know to be true is dramatic irony. Identify and explain an example of dramatic irony in Ch. 26.

4. Theme: How does Twain continue to question the morality of slavery in these chapters?