How would General Medical Clinic’s business model need to change if it moved to either  model?

Concierge and Direct Primary Care models are relatively new business model options. Concierge  medicine practices charge patients a flat fee either on an annual basis or monthly. Concierge  models provide enhanced services and greater access to care. Direct Primary Care (DPC) models
charge a monthly or annual fee to the consumer for enhanced access and services. DPC models  do not bill insurances. Both models derive most of their revenues from membership fees.
You will read the case study “Move to Concierge Model or a Direct Primary Care-Medicine
Business Model?” in the Walston Strategic Healthcare Management: Planning and Execution
course text. You will then write at least a 5-page paper in current APA format that clearly
addresses the advantages and disadvantages of business models for primary care physicians and
describes its value, input, processes, and revenue changes. To accomplish this, you will address
the case questions presented in the assignment below. Your answers must be supplemented with
research from your course textbooks (Walston – Strategic Healthcare Management: Planning
and Execution, and Wayland & McDonald – Strategic Analysis for Healthcare: Concepts and
Practical Applications), peer-reviewed articles, and other quality sources.
In your paper, please answer the following questions:
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the General Medical Clinic moving its
primary care physicians to concierge or DPC models?
2. How would General Medical Clinic’s business model need to change if it moved to either  model?

Specifically, how would its value, input, processes and revenues change?
3. Given the direction of healthcare, what would you recommend if you were Michael?
The following items must be included:
Minimum of 5 scholarly, peer-reviewed references published with last 5 years
Course textbook must be used to support your responses in the paper
Use proper grammar and spelling
Correct APA format is required
o Answers must not be numbered; you must use titles and subheadings to guide the
reader through the narrative
o Remember to write in 3rd person