Think about the transported and self-reflexive states of exposure. How are they similar and different? Give an example from your personal life when you were in each of those states of exposure.

Each response should be 125-150 words

1. Now that you’ve been introduced to long-tail marketing (if you weren’t aware of it before), why do you think niche audiences are so important to advertisers? Think about yourself, your interests, and your media habits. What niche audience(s) do you belong to? How does this affect your media consumption?

2. If you haven’t visited YouTube recently, open up YouTube and watch a video that interests you. When that video ends, let YouTube autoplay another video. You can also check the next several videos YouTube has queued up for you by clicking forward. When you’re finished, answer any or all of the questions below.

Now that you’re more knowledgeable about niche audiences and exposure and attention states, what strikes you? What did these videos that autoplayed have in common? What did the programmers do to keep you from switching to something else after the first video was over? Did the experience feel personalized/were you familiar with theme or content of the following videos? Were there ads between the videos, and were the ads related to the video content? (Remember, you only need to write about 125 words, so you don’t have to answer all of these questions, but demonstrate that you’re thinking about these topics!)

3. Think about the transported and self-reflexive states of exposure. How are they similar and different?

Give an example from your personal life when you were in each of those states of exposure.

4. Think about the recent coronavirus pandemic. Many people, including government leaders and those working in public health, blamed the mass media. Do you agree that the media was to blame? Why or why not? Was the media the only influence? What other influences might have contributed?