Define 1 program SMART objective. Write out a description of how you are meeting each SMART metric.

Harnessing Knowledge Assignment #4
Program planning, management, and implementation
Fall 2022
Carefully read all questions and answer all parts of the questions in full. Responses
should be written in full sentences. Take note of word limits for each question. Review
specific assignment submission instructions on Canvas.
Refer to the community needs assessment you proposed in your Harnessing
Knowledge Assignment #3. Even though you did not actually conduct this needs
assessment, let’s say you identified the following needs/gaps of your defined community
from your community needs assessment:
55% participate in SNAP/CalFresh
62% live in foodinsecure households
43% do not meet the recommended daily fiber intake
22% have high LDL cholesterol
With the information above from your needs assessment, you have decided to develop
a program to reduce LDL cholesterol by increasing fiber intake. Now, let’s start the
process of program planning!
1. Define your community. This should be the same as your Harnessing
Knowledge #3 defined community. (2pts)
2. Define your program goal. (5pts)
3. Define 1 program SMART objective. Write out a description of how you are
meeting each SMART metric. (10pts)
4. Create a logic model that outlines your program. Include Situation, Inputs,
Activities, Influential Factors, Outputs, and Outcomes (shortterm,
intermediate/mediumterm, and longterm). (8pts)