Determine the trade-offs of implementing an ERP system in the company versus buying best-of-breed software and using middle-ware to integrate.

Week 3 Discussion: Network and System Design

CO4: Examine the supply chain network as a system of processes

Discussion Prompt:

Begin this week’s discussion prompt by reading the case study “Boca Electronics, LLC” on page 49 of your text book. Then answer the following questions in your own words (Sanders, 49):

  1. Determine the trade-offs of implementing an ERP system in the company versus buying best-of-breed software and using middle-ware to integrate.
  2. What are a couple of the potential major impacts of such an implementation on the company’s suppliers and customers?
  3. If the company chose to stay with the system it currently has, what are some potential consequences that can occur in the future?
  4. Based on the business nature of the company, the industry, and the current environment, what would you recommend doing?

Sanders, Nada R. Supply Chain Management, 2nd Edition. Wiley, 2017-09-18. VitalBook file