Calculate the first 5 modes of vibration. In a Word document, show the shape of the vibration mode using a screenshot from Solidworks and show the natural frequency (in Hz) underneath the screenshot of the vibration mode

1. Create an Aluminum cantilever beam in Solid works with dimensions of 500mm x 50mm x 8mm. One end of the 50mm x 8mm cross sectional beam is fixed and the other end is free to vibrate.
Calculate the first 5 modes of vibration. In a Word document, show the shape of the vibration mode using a screenshot from Solid works and show the natural frequency (in Hz) underneath the screenshot of the vibration mode. See the example below for the first mode.
28.123 Hz
2. A lightweight bracket (aluminum) is being designed to be used to mount a sensor to a large drone. The sensor requires very low vibrations during use. Determine the natural frequencies of the bracket to determine if the bracket will cause significant vibrations. The blue surfaces highlighted in the figure below can be considered fixed. Create a Word document that shows figures of the vibration mode shapes and list a table of results that show the first 5 natural frequencies of the bracket below the figures.