What are possible measurement techniques of data traffic over 5G mobile networks and ML algorithms used in mobile network security?

1) Worm and Virus

a) Write the latest examples of malware attacks/threats considered in network security.

b) Why are the Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) characteristics important during network security development?

c) Discuss the phases of the virus when KAU set up the new lab for network security students. [Hint: use scenario with all necessary devices and detection mechanism].

2) Network Traffic Analysis

Answer these questions using the article “SCADA System Testbed for Cybersecurity Research Using Machine Learning Approach”

  1. a) Explain the network traffic analysis and security detection mechanism given in this paper.
  2. b) Discuss the results with the attack scenarios considered in this paper.

3) Steganography

a) Why is steganography considered in network security solutions and secure communication network applications?

b) Discuss the best steganography algorithm considered in the latest or 5G wireless network.

4) Secure Routing Protocols

In order to protect ad-hoc networks from attacks and vulnerability, a routing protocol must possess some properties

  1. a) Write at least 5 properties you have explored in the research papers.
  2. b) Explain 3 of these 5 properties mentioned above briefly.

5) Research Issues of Advanced Network Security

a) What are the security issues considered in Advanced Network Security fields?

b) Write 2 security challenges influenced by the autonomous network.

c) What are possible measurement techniques of data traffic over 5G mobile networks and ML algorithms used in mobile network security?