Identify a case or policy issue from your practicum, either one you are working with directly

Complete Short Social Work Discussion

  • Read about the ETHIC model of decision making in the article “What Social Workers Should Know About Ethics: Understanding and Resolving Practice Dilemmas.
  • Identify a case or policy issue from your practicum, either one you are working with directly, or one you know of from your placement site that involves ethical issues related to culture, religion, confidentiality, client rights, abuse, neglect, etc. If are having trouble identifying a case or policy issue , ask your field instructor to discuss an example with you from his or her experience. If possible, review case records or documents to give you more background information on the situation.
  • Navigate to the threaded discussion and briefly describe:
    1. The case you have chosen and identify the ethical issue or dilemma involved. Using the ETHIC model of decision making described in the article, describe your thinking in each area for the case you identify.
      1. E– Examine relevant personal, societal, agency, client and professional values: Identify at least two relevant values, where they are from and explain why they are important to the case.
      2. T– Think about what ethical standard of the NASW code of ethics applies, as well as relevant laws and case decisions: Identify at least one NASW code of ethics standard and one law that is relevant to the case and explain why. Are there any issues of Truth that you identify in the case? If so, identify your concerns and discuss implications.
      3. H– Hypothesize about possible consequences of different decisions: List at least 2 possible decisions that you might make in the case based on the ethical issue identified and describe the possible consequences of each decision.
      4. I – Identity who might benefit and who might be harmed in view of social work’s commitment to the most vulnerable: Identify who might benefit and how and who might not benefit and why for each possible decision described above.
      5. C– Consult with supervisor and colleagues about the most ethical choice: Describe who you would talk to at your agency, other than your supervisor, and why in making a decision regarding this case.
    2. Discuss your thoughts on the ETHIC model. Describe one strength and one weakness of the model for use in ethical decision making in the field. Read and respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings, as well as all instructor follow-up questions directed to you, by the end of the workshop.
  • Your postings also should:
    1. Be well developed by providing clear answers with evidence of critical thinking.
    2. Add greater depth to the discussion by introducing new ideas.
    3. Demonstrate a high level of scholarship by connecting your ideas to course materials and citing scholarly sources using proper citation and references to support your thinking.