hat kind of leadership behavior/style/skill does the leader exhibit?

This assignment provides you an opportunity to critically analyze leaders and leadership themes, theories, situations, etc. through film. Your 3-4 page paper should focus on the leadership aspects of the film and must incorporate at least 3 leadership theories from course materials (3 theories are: Servant Leadership, Situational Leadership, Transformational Leadership.) The film you select should be pre-approved by the instructor unless already listed in the module. (Movie  selected is Black Panther)

Rather than spending time summarizing the film, be sure your paper focuses on the application of your selected leadership theories (at least 3). The purpose of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your knowledge and application of leadership theories discussed in this course to date.

While viewing the film, identify leaders and leadership situations, observe and note how different characters interact and react to each other, and analyze those exchanges in the context of the leadership theories in order to accurately map theory to practice in your paper.

Consider the following questions as you watch and construct your paper:

  • Can you identify a single leader?
  • Are there multiple leaders and/or leadership situations?
  • What kind of leadership behavior/style/skill does the leader exhibit?
  • What about the followers, how do they behave?
  • How are they treated by the leader?
  • Do you see any of the leadership theories we’ve studied in action?