Give the truth table for the device below. Describe the operation of this device.

MSCS2103: Homework 4
Please read chapters 5 and 6 from the textbook before answering the
following questions.
1. Watch the following video showing a 3 to 8 line decoder. After watching the video, describe the
purpose of the 3 to 8 line decoder. How does it work? How is this used in modern computers?
3 to 8 Decoder Example:
2. Give the truth table for the device below. Describe the operation of this device.
3. Perform the bitwise logic AND, OR, and XOR of the two 8-bit operands 10011001 and
4. Find the state machine diagram corresponding to the following description: There are two
states, A and B. If in state A and input X is 1, then the next state is A. If in state A and input X is
0, then the next state is B. If in state B and input Y is 0, then the next state is B. If in state B and
input Y is 1, then the next state is A. Output Z is equal to 1 while the circuit is in state B