Does the student analyze wording of a sensitive question as laid out in the assignment

PT#5 Polls and Surveys – 500-600 words
Look up any of the six regional barometers from the Global Barometer
Surveys (GBS), which measure, at a mass level, the current social, political,
and economic climate around the world. Pick any one public opinion
survey questionnaire from any region of your choice (region-year, eg,
ArabWave2_2010-11 or Latino2018).
. What was the survey’s methodology (sample design, sample size,
mode of interview, variables used to create weights)?
. Highlight how researchers design questions as to not lead
respondents to a certain answer and instead elicit truthful responses.
. Identify one question you consider sensitive in the region. Discuss
how the survey designers
take into account/does not take account
the possible biasing effects of a wide range of factors relevant in the
specific region in the context of your chosen question.
Grading Rubric: PT#5 Polls and Surveys
(1) Does the student discuss the survey’s methodology (sample design,
sample size, mode of interview, variables used to create weights)?
(2) Does the student discuss how researchers design questions as to not
lead respondents to a certain answers (leading questions) and instead
elicit truthful responses?
(3) Does the student analyze wording of a sensitive question as laid out in
the assignment (including offering explanation for why the question is