After watching the scene, what strikes you most about it, in the context of this week’s material?

Class: Negotiation, Conflict and Resolution
Assignment :
Somehow managed to avoid this centerpiece (apparently) of U.S culture? Here is all the background you need to know:

Ross and Rachel are an on-again / off-again couple. They have just entered off-again mode, having broken up a couple of weeks ago. Ross gets a phone call from Rachel, asking him over, and on his way to her apartment, he stops off to consult with his friends Joey and Chandler, who live across the hall from Rachel.

After watching the scene, what strikes you most about it, in the context of this week’s material?

Remember – anyone can watch Friends, but not everyone can analyze it using terms such as rational vs. instinctive behavior, attribution, judgmental biases, amygdala-centered hijacking, etc. Use our terminology in your discussion, and pin your thoughts down to specific elements in our reading material.

Class Week Reading:
Mayer, Dynamics of Conflict, Chapter 2, pp. 33-66

MacFarlane, J. et al, (2003). Dispute Resolution (2nd ed.). Toronto: Emond Montgomory. Read the excerpts from Allerd on Attribution (pp. 36-40).