What registers are impacted and how memory is affected by the following instruction?

Problem 6: Consider the following variant of the MIPS processor dissects the instruction according to the following:



data 1

Read data 2

Read register 1
Read register 2
Write register
Write data
Instruction 120:161
Im:truction [26:211
Instruction [1511)


Assume that $tl = OxEF2 2 and $t2 = Ox 6A0B1F and answer the following and provide the 32-bit output:

  1. What does $s1 hold after the following instruction? and $s1, $tl, $t2
  2. What registers are impacted and how memory is affected by the following instruction? You have to give the exact memory location address that is read from or written to and provide the memory contents after the execution of the following.

sw        $tl, 32($t2)

  1. What registers are impacted and how memory is affected by the following instruction? You have to give the exact memory location address that is read from or written to and provide the memory contents after the execution of the following.

lw        $t2, 64($t2)