What is the Inverse Demand Function?


2. =?(simplify)


4. If Q=400-2.5P

a. What is the Inverse Demand Function?

b. Provide the plot of the inverse demand function.

c. Find the elasticity if the price goes down from 100 to 50$.

d. Find point elasticity at P=100

e. Find TR function

f. Find MR

g. At what value of q TR is at maximum

5. Factorize the expression

6. Factorize the expression

7. Factorize the expression

8. Elimination (either 2 equations 2 unknowns such as the example below, or 3 equations 3 unknowns such as those examples we solved in the assignments) :

2đť‘‹+ 4đť‘Ś= 144
8đť‘‹+ 2đť‘Ś= 140

9. Find if each Cobb-Douglas production functions below is constant return to scale,
increasing return to scale, or decreasing return to scale?



10. Solve the quadratic equation below working with both factorization as well as the
quadratic formula.

11. Write down the expanded form of sigma example