What are the moral and ethical dilemmas you will face in trying to achieve your goals?



The Society of Industrial/Organizational Psychology publishes a top ten issues list annually. Developing a healthy work/life balance has maintained its position on the list. For this assignment, you will develop a personal plan for maintaining a healthy work/life balance. By completing this plan, you will have a deeper understanding of the importance of balance for you, your colleagues and your future employees.

Assignment Instructions

Using both the values prioritization chart you completed in Unit 1 and the Work/Life Balance Worksheet you completed in the assignment preparation study in this unit, draft a 3–5 page paper and include the following:

  • Identify the discrepancies you have discovered between the way you actually spend your time each week and the balance you would like to achieve for your weekly activities. Include
    • The barriers in your current work/life balance that are preventing you from achieving your desired work/life balance.
    • What are the moral and ethical dilemmas you will face in trying to achieve your goals?
    • What values and ethics does your revised work/balance plan reflect, and why are these important to you?
  • Draft an action plan that will help you achieve your desired work/life balance, based on personal values and ethical principles.
  • Describe any pertinent litigation or laws related to work/life balance.
    • Use the Capella Library and the Internet to research any pertinent litigation or laws related to work/life balance.
  • Describe how you will be able to apply the knowledge you have gained through completing this assignment to help colleagues achieve a better work/life balance.
  • Explain how attending to your own work/life balance may improve your professional performance.