Select a country different from your country of origin.

For this assignment, you will explore cultural display rules and take a brief, online measurement to assess your locus of control. Online measurements are quick “estimates” with limited statistical validity and limited statistical reliability, please do not read too deeply into the results.

Cultural Display Rules for Emotional Expression

Step 1: Select a country different from your country of origin.

Step 2: Conduct research using credible online sources regarding the emotional display rules for your selected country and culture.

Step 3: Thoughtfully answer the following questions related to the online research you completed:

Explain the display rules for emotions in the country/culture you selected. Make sure you identify the country you selected.
Compare and contrast the display rules for emotions in your selected country with the emotional display rules of your country of origin.
Step 4: Use APA style in-text citations in your responses to the questions above. At the end of your response, compose APA style citations for your sources.