How will you further explore Yerman’s remark that he is depressed?


Using Questions and Expressing Genuineness (75 points) – Individual assignment

This should be completed on a Word document and submitted. This is an individual assignment to prepare for the first video assignment where you’ll need to utilize a person from your assigned group as the “client.”

In this exercise, students are required to narrate a session engaging with a “client.” Please make sure your client has a shared presenting problem, i.e., anxiety, stress from work/school, finances, disagreements, etc. The presenting problem should be relatively simple and not be complex. Keeping it simple will assist with a more natural flow for both the client and practitioner and allow you, as the student, to practice the skills being learned rather than getting caught up in a complex client.  This will be utilized with your first video assignment.

Because these skills require considerable practice to master, you will practice dialogue and evaluating skills between the therapist and client by utilizing a script. In addition, you will need to demonstrate the beginning of the meeting and ending a meeting, reflecting warmth, empathy, feelings, content, meaning, summarizing, and the skills introduced in this chapter.

In the script, the student must show the following skills:

  • Brief opening exhibiting warmth and openness. (5 pts)
    • Do not go through Confidentiality, agency processes, or Informed Consent (as done at the end of SWK 631).
    • Include in your transcript howyou will exhibit this by body language, facial expressions, etc. as the example provided below does not do this.
  • Expressing understanding and empathy. (10 pts)
    • Active listening, reflect the content, reflect feelings, reflect meaning, summarizing.
  • Use open-ended and closed-ended questions appropriately. (10 pts)
  • Seek clarification to gain further understanding & utilize silence appropriately. (10 pts)
  • Expressing genuineness in appropriate and effective ways. (10 pts)
    • Attending, observing, listening, and expressing warmth.
  • Explore the client’s problem(s). (5 pts)
    • When asked to “explore,” ensure you are asking a question or two around the prompt and not just identifying it for the client for all of the “explore” tasks.
  • Explore the client’s environment. (5 pts)
  • Explore the client’s strengths. (5 pts)
  • Explore the client’s resources (or support system). (5 pts)
  • Brief closing to include a summary of information obtained. (10 pts)

This script utilizes concepts learned from your book, including SWK 631 and Chapters 9 and 10. It will be expected of you to demonstrate these concepts in written form.  See attached example for guidance. 




You are meeting with Yerman, a new 17-year-old client in a school setting. During your conversation with Yerman, he states, “I’m depressed.”


  • How will you further explore Yerman’s remark that he is depressed?


  • What open-ended questions would you ask Yerman to seek further clarification?


  • Why is it important to seek clarity on Yerman’s use of the word depression?