Do you see yourself (based on current behaviors/resources/choices and decisions) as an ally?

Content Warning: This activity is a space for self-reflection and partner reflection on issues of race and ethnicity. Be sure to engage in appropriate self-care/partner support as you respond to these questions and after completing the assignment.

Self-Check In

What is an ally?


Do you see yourself (based on current behaviors/resources/choices and decisions) as an ally?


If so, how do you engage in allyship?  (Ex: Reducing Violence, Providing Positive Role Models Interrupting Racism/isms)


Partner Check In

What type of microaggressions have you experienced?


How did you respond to the experience?


How did others act on your behalf to address the experience?


If you could interrupt microaggressions/racism in the environment you experienced them, what type of interventions would you seek? (May be brainstormed with partner after suggestions)


Closing Thoughts

Are you now cognizant of the importance of choosing your own role?

What actions can you, as a future college grad/leader in the community/society take to prepare for the long haul?