Describe how the e-parking apps use wireless communications.


  1. Describe how the e-parking apps use wireless communications.
  2. The developers of the e-parking apps argued that they were only selling information about parking places and not the parking places themselves. Was this a valid argument? Why or why not?
  3. Were the reactions of San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Boston to the e-parking apps appropriate? Why or why not?
  4. Were the cities inhibiting entrepreneurship? Why or why not?

What is the role of wireless technologies in smart-metering systems?

  1. Describe the potential disadvantages of smart-metering systems.
  2. Discuss the advantages of smart meters to utility companies.
  3. Discuss the advantages of smart meters to the customers of utility companies.

How did the global financial crisis impact NAB’s decision to adopt performance management tools?

  1. Why did NAB’s choice of a solution create its own ripple eff ect with their clients?

What will the impact be of the CVS Minute Clinic obtaining access to this software within their clinical setting? How will their daily operations change?

  1. If you were the physician, would you like to adopt and use this type of technology in your practice? Why or why not?

Discuss the reasons why Redglaze decided to implement Sugar CRM rather than an on-premise CRM solution.

  1. Describe how Redglaze extended the functionality of SugarCRM beyond customer relationship management. 3. Refer to your answer to Question #2. If you were a SugarCRM marketing manager, how would you market your product?

Describe the problems that Amazon faced during the 2013 holiday season.

  1. Discuss how Amazon solved those problems via its supply chain management system.

What were the key factors that drove CO to insource?

  1. In what ways did the three major changes discussed in the case complement each other?  Would these changes have been successful if Capital One had not changed all of them at the same time?