Write an essay containing a single primary argument (not two or three primary arguments that share the same conclusion).

Write an essay containing a single primary argument (not two or three primary

arguments that share the same conclusion).

The topic  of the essay should be the

conclusion of your primary argument. It is mandatory that you highlight ∎ using bold

ink, highlighter, italics, etc.) the premises and conclusion of your primar                              Iment.

10 points will be deducted if this is not done.

The argument can be about anything you want—the essay need not have anything to

do with the material discussed in class, and, in fact, I recommend that you avoid

philosophical topics altogether. The purpose of the assignment is to focus on the

logical structure of your essay (i.e., the argument), so what matters is form, not

content. Philosophical content is highly abstract, making it harder to clearly identify

argument structure. This is just what you are trying to avoid in this assignment, so

keep things simple with regard to content, and just make sure your argument does

the right work in terms of form, or argument structure.

As the syllabus says, the penalty for late submissions is 7 points per day.

Your essay will be checked for originality using Turnitin.

Length: 2-3 pages, double-spaced

Submit to Brightspace in PDF form only

Times New Roman, size 12