Creating Indentity-Safe Spaces on College Campuses
- Why do you think members of marginalized religious, who have differences of worship, culture, dress, diet, might need a “safe space” in a Christian-dominant school or culture?
- Does Tatum’s account of the needs of disadvantaged identity groups help you understand the need for safe spaces?
- Do you have safe spaces in your school for Muslim students that resemble those described in this selection? Safe spaces for other non-Christian religious groups or secular groups?
- Considering the presence of Muslims or others marginalized by religion in your schools or workplaces, what “safe spaces” could you help the organization to create?
- The Not In Our Town videos single out the community resistance against religious hate acts in Oak Creek, in order to create a “safe” community, free of religious intolerance. Can you consider how your community might create “safe space” within the entire community?