Where is this forest located? What is the climate of this region? What types of plants and animals live there?

Creating a Deforestation Simulation
In this task, you will develop a simulation showing the deforestation of a forest of your choosing
(taiga, rainforest, or temperate forest, for example).
Time to complete: 2.5 to 3 hours
Part A: Research a Forest
Use credible resources to research the type of forest you chose and address these questions:
Where is this forest located?
What is the climate of this region?
What types of plants and animals live there?
Why is deforestation of this region a threat?
Is deforestation currently occurring in this region? If so, what is the primary cause?
Write a paragraph that answers the questions.
Characters used: 0 / 15000
Part B: Simulate Deforestation
Next, you’ll build a simulation showing the changes in a portion of the forest over time. This
sample shows a forest region.
Forest Region
Gray: untouched region (150 trees per block)
Black: deforested region (no surviving trees)
Use your word-processing program’s table maker to create three grids showing the rate of
deforestation of a forest in three different years—year 1, year 5, and year 10. Choose colors to
represent the deforested and untouched regions. Provide a key that shows the number of
trees represented by each block, as well as the colors that represent the forested and
deforested areas.
Here are the specifications for your forest:
The forest is represented by a 5 x 5 grid.
Year 1: There are a total of 4,500 trees in your forest and no deforestation. Figure out
how many trees represent each block.
Year 5: 1,080 trees were deforested.
Year 10: An additional 1,980 trees were deforested.
After you’ve completed your grids, use the Insert Image button to insert screen shots of the
grids in the answer space.
Characters used: 0 / 15000
Part C: Simulate Reforestation
The government has a plan to limit the effects of deforestation. It involves planting new trees
to replace some of the larger trees chopped down by deforestation.
In year 5: 540 new trees will be planted
In year 10: 900 additional new trees will be planted
Figure out how many blocks of the deforested regions will be restored in the year 5 and year
10 grids. Choose a new color for the blocks that represent the reforested regions and make
adjustments to your grids. Then use the Insert Image button to insert screen shots of the two
grids in the answer space